Restore: re·store /rəˈstôr/ verb return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position.
To understand how stress and trauma manifests in the body, we must fully connect with our bodies by journeying inward.
Access your self-healing power through stillness and recovery with restorative yoga. This practice creates a space for you to cultivate embodied awareness while remaining grounded in the present moment.
Through a series of 5-7 supported postures held at an extended period of time, we allow energy to flow through us rather than overcome us. Become mindful of tension in brain and body and begin to release it with gentle ease.
Benefits of a restorative yoga practice include:
- Reduction of stress/anxiety by stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system
- muscle tension and muscular injury relief
- Trauma recovery
- Slowing down an over-active mind
- emotional regulation
- Improvement of Brain/Body Connection
- Reduction in reactive or compulsive Behaviors
- Improved concentration
Restorative yoga is designed for every BODY. No experience necessary.