A haven designed for those weathered by life's unyielding trials, as they make their journey’s home.

Journey Inward

Journey Inward

Yoga Shala
Every month

Get anytime access to our growing collection of classes, workshops, and exclusive content. New items added every week.

✓ Journal prompts, affirmations, and daily life practices
✓ Resources for recovery, resilience and resistance
✓ Member-reduced fee for private yoga and 1:1 consults
✓ Unlimited access

Key Objectives:

  • Tailored mind-body practices designed to enhance your unique wellness journey.

  • Boosted self-confidence and cultivated self-compassion.

  • Decreased levels of stress, anxiety, and irritability.

  • Heightened awareness of yourself and those around you.

  • Letting go of limiting narratives that have hindered your personal growth.

Single Class Pass


Perfect for trying a session without a long-term commitment


5 Class Pass


5 Classes


