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Bookclub Meeting: Parable of the Sower

  • Renewed (IN)ERGY, LLC (map)

Calling in all Earthseeds! Trail blaze New Earth with me.

Join The Salt Eaters Collective on Insight Timer this month as we delve into Octavia Butler's powerful novel, Parable of the Sower. This groundbreaking work not only addresses the challenges we face in contemporary society, but also invites us to explore themes of resilience and empathy amidst dynamic times.

We will examine how the characters’ journeys reflect the human capacity to adapt and thrive even in dire, now familiar, circumstances.

Our goal is to create a safe, supportive space where we can cultivate insights and foster resilience, just as Butler’s protagonist, Lauren, does in her quest for a better future.

Grab your acorns… Let’s take root.

March 26

Rebuild: Corrective Training